  • An antique American Left handed Kentucky/Plains percussion rifle. 52 Caliber, 38 inch octagon barrel signed G/Gatts. Fine Tiger-striped Walnut stock. Length 138cm. In very good condition.
An antique American Left handed Kentucky/Plains percussion rifle. 52 Caliber, 38 inch octagon barrel signed G/Gatts. Fine Tiger-striped Walnut stock. Length 138cm. In very good condition.
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Tilburgseweg 19 ,
5051 AA Goirle
Country: The-Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)135 347943
An antique Swedish Military Model 1845-54 Percussion Musket for Minié bullet. Made by Carl Gustav Stad 1853. Caliber 18,5mm, length 146cm. In very good condition. Price 1.500 euro

An antique Swedish Military Model 1845-54 Percussion Musket for Minié bullet. Made by Carl Gustav Stad 1853. Caliber 18,5mm, length 146cm. In very good condition. Price 1.500 euro

An antique circa 1800 Swiss Flintlock Musket a.k.a.

An antique circa 1800 Swiss Flintlock Musket a.k.a. "Hausgewehr" with bayonet, signed on barrel: G:LUZERN No. 540A. Caliber 18mm, length 142 cm. In very good condition. Price 1.750 euro.

An antique Swiss Stutzer/target percussion Rifle by V. Sauerbrey in Basel. Set-triggers. Caliber 11mm. Length 136cm. In very good condition. Price 1.350 euro

An antique Swiss Stutzer/target percussion Rifle by V. Sauerbrey in Basel. Set-triggers. Caliber 11mm. Length 136cm. In very good condition. Price 1.350 euro

An antique British WW I Webley & Scott Flare Gun No. 1 MK III, dated 1915, sn 20909, in very good condition. Price 395 euro

An antique British WW I Webley & Scott Flare Gun No. 1 MK III, dated 1915, sn 20909, in very good condition. Price 395 euro

An antique probably Swiss Percussion Pistol with a very rare lock sytem, caliber 10 mm rifled, length 28 cm, adjustable rear-sight, in very good condition. Price 550 euro

An antique probably Swiss Percussion Pistol with a very rare lock sytem, caliber 10 mm rifled, length 28 cm, adjustable rear-sight, in very good condition. Price 550 euro

An antique French Converted Model 1777 Percussion Pistol, caliber 18 mm, length 35 cm, in very good condition. Price 575 euro

An antique French Converted Model 1777 Percussion Pistol, caliber 18 mm, length 35 cm, in very good condition. Price 575 euro

An antique shortened Austrian Lorenz Cavalry Pistol Model 1859, signed FRED FRUWIRTH, caliber 13.8 mm, Barrel 22cm. length 38 cm. In very good condition. Price 575 euro

An antique shortened Austrian Lorenz Cavalry Pistol Model 1859, signed FRED FRUWIRTH, caliber 13.8 mm, Barrel 22cm. length 38 cm. In very good condition. Price 575 euro

The Book: Waffen des Abendlandes by Alfred P. Zeller. 159 pages. Price 15 euro.

The Book: Waffen des Abendlandes by Alfred P. Zeller. 159 pages. Price 15 euro.

The Book: UURWERKEN by A.A. De Boer. 148 pages. Price 15 euro.

The Book: UURWERKEN by A.A. De Boer. 148 pages. Price 15 euro.

The Book: De Grote Veldslagen by Cyril Falls. 304 pages. Price 25 euro.

The Book: De Grote Veldslagen by Cyril Falls. 304 pages. Price 25 euro.

The Book: Handguns A collector's Guide to Pistols and Revolvers from 1850 to the present by Frederick Wilkinson. 112 pages. Price 25 euro.

The Book: Handguns A collector's Guide to Pistols and Revolvers from 1850 to the present by Frederick Wilkinson. 112 pages. Price 25 euro.

The Book: Rifles and Pistols by Jeremy Flack. 96 pages. Price 15 euro

The Book: Rifles and Pistols by Jeremy Flack. 96 pages. Price 15 euro