Eric Bienaimé
  • Rocaille faux-bois gueridon
  • Rocaille faux-bois gueridon
  • Rocaille faux-bois gueridon
  • Rocaille faux-bois gueridon
  • Rocaille faux-bois gueridon
  • Rocaille faux-bois gueridon
  • Rocaille faux-bois gueridon
Rocaille faux-bois gueridon

A good decorative concrete gueridon named faux-bois or rocaille …perfect weathered condition .. France ..probably circa 1950

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Eric Bienaimé
27, rue du Rivage ,
59190 Hazebrouck
Region: Nord Pas de Calais
Country: France
Tel.: +33 6 60 81 59 38
Primitive cellar table

Primitive cellar table

This curious & solid primitive wineyard / cellar is a unique item..probably built with old éléments ..a massive 3 parts pedestal ( diam 16 in ) on a trilobal base brushed with a dark thick varnish…a 2in oak top…very good genuine condition…France .. Charentes aera ..could be late19th/1900
Low primitive bench

Low primitive bench

Low elm primitive bench with a nice worn monoxyl top …can be now use as a low table or console …top thickness 3 inc .. very good condition and treated against woodworms …France late 19thC…
Gueridon pedestal table

Gueridon pedestal table

Aˋ elegant elm&beechwood pedestal table or gueridon with an oak tilt top …some old candle burns on this one ..very good genuine condition.. Northern France.. probably early 19thC
Regency armchair

Regency armchair

A Regency beechwood open armchair…the historical upholstered is very good…perfect genuine condition…France 19th…
Primitive mountain table

Primitive mountain table

Modernist primitive table ...larch tree ...very good condition... nice 2.3 in thick top…France circa 1950
Garden glass domes


Garden glass domes

Set of 3 glass domes in perfect storage condition …France late 19thC/1900
Glass containers

Glass containers

Set of 6 moulded glass containers..used for batteries…ready to a decorative conversion… very good condition…France early 20thC
Provencal dish

Provencal dish

XL dish from Provence also named Tian ..typical yellow glazed terracotta…very good condition…South of France circa 1900…
Contemporary painting

Contemporary painting

Large painting on canvas laid on wood … dated 1989 /99 …recently framed…born in France
Leather books

Leather books

A very decorative set of 2 French leather books runs…The 16 are dated 1820 .. the 21 are 17&18 thC ..older dated 1685….very good condition
Pair of wall lights

Pair of wall lights

Paire of wall lights in opaline glass,brass & bronze…wired redone… France circa 1970…
Folding screen


Folding screen

A decorative folding screen .. 3 panels of glued paper and fabrics with an old plan of Paris in a good attic condition…little bit worn on the bottom…probably first half 19thC…